Life update

I haven’t written here in a while. I’ve been…well…changing my life and thoughts. It occurred to me that I had been taking all my decisions and conducting my life from the same state of mind, for years. And then I was wondering why I was stuck in a rut. I forgot- Nothing changes, if nothing changes.

So, I decided to drop the ‘lack’ state, and shifted into a state of abundance and gratitude. Because there is abundance. Sure, we’ve been programmed to believe in, and function from a state of lack. But we’ve been programmed to believe a lot of crap which isn’t true. Before doing anything, I ask myself if I’m doing it from a place of abundance or one of fear/guilt/lack.

I’ve also made small changes in my daily life. I’ve finally started waking up and going to bed at a reasonable hour. I’ve made meditation a daily practice. And I have disconnected myself from social media. I’ve been making a conscious effort to sit with boredom, instead of running away from it by some form of stimulation.

Results? Well, I’m definitely more peaceful. My mind is quieter. And I have a better relationship with myself. Have I seen any big changes in my life? No. But I think it takes time. You chip away on your old thinking slowly, until day breaks and the shadows flee away.

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